2024-2025 Catalog 
    Oct 15, 2024  
2024-2025 Catalog

College of Engineering and Applied Science

General Information


Dr. Michael Corl, Interim Dean

Engineering Building
Phone: (719) 255-3543

Engineering and Computer Science are challenging disciplines with extraordinary rewards. The College of Engineering and Applied Science offers twenty-four separate degrees at the bachelor, master, and doctoral levels. Engineering degrees include Computer, Electrical, Aerospace, and  Mechanical as well as Data Analytics and Systems Engineering. Computer Science has an array of degrees that include the science of computing, an applications-based computer science degree, as well as specializations in Cybersecurity, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Networks, and Game Design. Whether Engineering or Computer Science, our focus is to prepare graduates for rewarding careers that benefit society, while developing tomorrow’s technology.

Engineering and Computer Science utilize mathematics, computational methods, and the physical sciences as fundamental building blocks for these disciplines. In addition, the ability to communicate verbally and in writing are essential as our graduates have the responsibility to communicate technical ideas, methodologies, and innovation clearly and accurately. Qualities such as initiative, responsibility, reliability, honesty, judgment, understanding diversity, teamwork, and the perseverance to work through to the conclusion of a project are important.

Employment and internship opportunities for Aerospace, Mechanical, Electrical, and Computer Engineers along with Computer Scientists is very high in both industry and government organizations.  These disciplines take on added importance as we rely more and more on technological solutions to support the economy as well as societal need. While salaries remain strong in these disciplines, the reward of finding creative solutions to demanding challenges is the primary driver for most. Whether creating the next microelectronic device, developing software to protect and detect against cybersecurity threats, or developing controls algorithms for control of next generation machines, Engineering and Computer Science deliver exciting and rewarding careers.


As a forward-thinking, collaborative community, we serve the people of Colorado and the global society through world-class research, innovative teaching, and the application of new knowledge. We develop diverse, technical leaders to challenge the present and create the future.


Our mission is to inspire and develop technological leaders in engineering and computer science through quality teaching and innovative research, creating an academically rigorous and enriching experience in a collaborative environment. We advance and disseminate applied and theoretical research along with educating students in ethical service to diverse communities in Colorado, the nation, and the world.

Academic Advising


Academic Advising
Main Hall 208
(719) 255-3260


Please refer to the appropriate degree program within EAS for information regarding academic advising.

Academic Programs


The undergraduate and graduate programs available for completion through the University of Colorado Colorado Springs are listed in more detail in the Engineering and Applied Science Programs of Study  table.

Majors which may be completed in the College of Engineering and Applied Science at UCCS include Computer Engineering; Computer Science (BS, BA, and BI); Data Analytics and Systems Engineering (BS and BI); Electrical Engineering (BS); Engineering Education, Mechanical Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Computer Science: Security (BI); Game Design and Development (BI). 

Generally, two years of work toward the following degrees from the College of Engineering and Applied Science may be taken on this campus: Architectural Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, and Engineering Physics

Departments within the College of Engineering and Applied Science (EAS) include the Department of Computer Science (CS), the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), and the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (MAE).

Laboratory Facilities, Research Centers, and Special Programs


Computer Science

The Computer Science Department laboratories provide students (of all majors) with access to the latest programs in support of their degrees. The well-equipped laboratories contain a wide variety of computing resources supporting both graduate and undergraduate classes. Several other research labs are located in the Engineering building to assist faculty and students with various research projects.

Electrical and Computer Engineering

The Electrical and Computer Engineering Department has a wide variety of laboratories to enhance the learning of undergraduate and graduate students in their education and research. Using state-of-the-art laboratory and research technologies, students learn with hands-on experience using the Electrical and Computer Engineering Laboratories: Communication and Signal Processing Laboratory (CSPL), Control-Systems Laboratory (CSL), Electromagnetic Laboratory (EML), Electronics Laboratory (ECL), Electric Power and Renewable Energy Laboratory (EPREL), and Microelectronics Research Laboratory (MRL).

Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

The Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Department maintains a variety of essential labs for undergraduate and graduate education and research. Students learn with hands-on experience using the Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, Heat and Mass Transfer Laboratory, MechEtronics Laboratory, the Materials Laboratory, and the Instrumentation Measurements Laboratory.  

Project Lead The Way

UCCS is the Colorado Affiliate University for Project Lead The Way (PLTW), a national pre-engineering curriculum serving a pipeline of elementary to high school students. The College of EAS grants college credit for qualified high school students enrolled in PLTW courses from certified high schools. (See detailed information in Undergraduate Transfer Credit.) Visit the PLTW Website for more information.

Student Organizations

The College of Engineering and Applied Science is affiliated with several different student organizations, clubs, and honor societies. These groups provide opportunities for enrichment and professional development among participants. Please reach out to an EAS faculty member or your academic advisor to learn more and get involved!

EAS General Academic Policies




All undergraduate students in the College of Engineering must meet with their Faculty Advisor prior to registering for fall or spring semesters.  Students will be advised by Faculty Advisors or in a group advising session within their respective departments. Students can find their Faculty Advisor by reaching out directly to their department within the college. 

In addition, Academic Advisors are available throughout the year in the Academic Advising Center, Main Hall 208. Academic Advising provides general guidance to students for navigating campus resources, referrals to other departments, and navigating tools for success at UCCS. If you do not know who your advisor is or would like advising, contact the Academic Advising Center at (719) 255-3260.


Please refer to the appropriate degree program in the Catalog for information regarding academic advising.

Non-Degree Seeking

Non-degree seeking students must contact Admissions for course guidance.

EAS Instructional Fees

The College of EAS collects a college-wide EAS instructional fee (EAS IF). Please contact the Office of the Bursar bursar@uccs.edu for the most up to date info on the fee amount. This fee applies to all courses offered in the College of EAS with the exception of graduate thesis courses. There are no additional fees levied within the College. The fee is nonrefundable.

The purpose of the fee is to assist the College in providing exceptionally high-quality instruction, including but not limited to, the following:

  • Support for instructional labs and smart classrooms managed by the College of EAS
  • Support for the College IT network and servers
  • College or departmental help centers or instructional supplements provided by students for students, and students run mentoring programs.
  • Support for career placement services that are specific to EAS, such as mock interviews with technology companies.

Grading Policies

Consult the Academic Policies, Registration, and Records section of this Catalog for more information.

Incomplete Courses

An incomplete may be given by the instructor (subject to approval by the appropriate department chair/EAS Dean) for circumstances beyond the student’s control, such as a documented medical or personal emergency. When it is given, the student is informed in writing by the instructor of what the student is to do in order to remove the incomplete and when the tasks are to be completed. The instructor may assign only the IF grade. The student is expected to complete the course requirements, e.g. the final examination, term paper, etc., within the established deadline and not to retake the entire course. The grade will be converted automatically to a grade of F after one year unless the specified work is completed.

No-Credit Courses

Students who register NC (no credit) are expected to attend classes and take all examinations but receive no credit. In the College of Engineering and Applied Science, students may not register NC for a required course, or change registration to NC in any course, except by petition to the chair/dean. If the student does failing work, the chair/dean may request the Office of the Registrar to change the registration from NC to credit, whereupon the student will receive a grade of F. A course previously taken for NC may not be retaken for credit to apply toward an undergraduate or graduate degree awarded by the College of Engineering and Applied Science. Engineering courses completed for NC by students not admitted to the College of Engineering and Applied Science may not be taken again for credit after transferring to the college.

Pass/Fail Option

The primary purpose for offering courses in which undergraduates may be graded pass or fail (PF) rather than A, B, C, D, or F is to encourage undergraduate students to broaden their educational experience by electing challenging courses without serious risk that their academic records might be jeopardized. Not more than one course per semester or summer session may be taken PF. Courses which a student may elect to be taken PF shall be designated by the major department. A student who has not designated a major field will not be allowed the PF option. In the College of Engineering and Applied Science only social sciences/humanities courses at the 3000 level or above may be taken PF. College of Engineering courses cannot be applied to this policy. The maximum number of PF hours counting toward graduation shall not exceed 16 credit hours, including courses taken in the Honors Program under the program’s PF grading system. A transfer student may count toward graduation 1 credit hour of PF courses for each 9 credit hours completed in the college. As of fall 2021, undergraduate degree seeking students are eligible to request grade forgiveness for a limited number of courses with grades of C- or below after repeating the same course at UCCS. Refer to Academic Policies, Course Registration, and Student Records - Grade Forgiveness     for policy details, process, and procedure.

Graduation Requirements

Bachelor’s Degree

To be eligible to graduate with Bachelor’s degrees from the College of Engineering and Applied Science, students must meet the following minimum requirements:

  • A minimum of 30 hours of coursework must be completed exclusively at UCCS and admitted to the College of Engineering and Applied Science.  Complete all required coursework with a major GPA of 2.0 or higher.
  • Earn at least a 2.0 CU cumulative GPA for graduation.
  • Demonstrate writing competency as outlined in the Academic Policies, Registration, and Records section of this Catalog.
  • Satisfactorily complete the prescribed degree curriculum requirements as outlined by the specific department section below.

Students must complete a Senior Audit with their Academic Advisor the semester before they plan to graduate. It is the student’s responsibility to keep the Engineering Academic Advisor informed of any changes in their plan throughout their senior year. The Department Chair must approve any deviation from departmental degree requirements by petition, in advance. Petition forms may be obtained from Academic Advising or the appropriate department.

College of Engineering and Applied Science Academic Honors

President’s and Dean’s List Criteria

The criteria for the President’s and Dean’s lists are as follows:

  • President’s list: 4.0-grade point average.
  • Dean’s list: 3.75-3.99 grade point average.
  • Students must complete a minimum of 12 credit hours during a regular semester (fall or spring).

The EAS Dean’s Office notifies awarded students by sending an electronic letter via email.

LATIN Honors

In order to graduate with Latin honors, a student at the time of graduation must have completed a minimum of 60 credit hours at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs, and achieve a University of Colorado grade point average of 3.5-3.69 for cum laude, 3.7-3.89 for magna cum laude, or 3.9 or higher for summa cum laude.

Graduate Degrees

Please refer to the appropriate College of Engineering and Applied Science degree programs.

EAS Undergraduate Program Policies


Undergraduate Admission Procedures

The Catalog that governs a student’s graduation requirements is the one in effect at the time of a student’s most recent admission into the college of the student’s degree program. The college seeks to identify applicants having a high probability of successful completion of their academic programs. Admission is based on evaluation of many criteria; among the most important are the general level of academic performance before admission to the college and other evidence of motivation, potential, scholarly ability, and accomplishment by College Board scores, by letters of recommendation from teachers and others qualified to evaluate the student, by accomplishments outside academic work, and by other relevant evidence.


In order to enroll in engineering courses, the student must be admitted to the College of Engineering and Applied Science, in addition to the University, as described in the Admissions section of this Catalog.

Admission Requirements

  • Rank in the upper 30th percentile of their high school graduating class
  • ACT composite score of 25 or above or an SAT composite score of 1120 or above (if taken prior to March 2016) or 1190 or above (if taken after March 2016)

Students who meet these requirements are assured admission to the College.

Expected High School Coursework

  • English: 4 course units
  • Math: 4 course units; at least two years algebra, one year geometry, one year advanced math
  • Natural Science: 3 course units; one year physics, one year chemistry
  • Social Science: 2 course units; government, history, economics, psychology, sociology
  • Foreign language: 2 course units, all in a single language
  • Academic electives: 1 course unit 

Students successfully completing three Project Lead The Way (PLTW) courses with a “B” average (two Foundation and one specialization course) and meeting the above criteria will be granted preferred admission for the following majors: Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Engineering Education, and Mechanical Engineering.  [Foundation courses: Introduction to Engineering Design, Principles of Engineering]

Transfer Students

Students transferring into the College must have completed at least 13 credit hours and have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 and achieved a C or better in a core engineering course. If these requirements are not met, students are admitted as “Engineering Intent” within the College of Letters, Arts, & Sciences. The student should understand that engineering degree requirements differ from one campus to another: from course selection to the number of credit hours required for the degree. An official transcript evaluation will be provided when you attend New Student Orientation, if an official transcript has been submitted to Admissions prior to your Orientation appointment. Transcripts are official if they include the following:

  1. Graduation/Diploma date (high school transcripts)
  2. No courses are in-progress listed

Official evaluations are based off most recently completed courses on transcript. 

Intra-University Transfer Students

Students from other colleges at UCCS may transfer into the College of Engineering and Applied Science. Students transferring into the College must have completed at least 13 credit hours at UCCS and have a cumulative CU GPA of at least 3.0 and achieved a C or better in a core engineering course. Until these requirements are met, students are considered “Engineering Intent.”

Unclassified/Non-Degree Seeking Students

Persons who have been admitted to the university in the category of unclassified/non-degree seeking students may be permitted to register for courses in the College of Engineering and Applied Science upon approval subject to the availability of space in classes. Unclassified students should be aware of the College of Engineering and Applied Science rule that at least the last 30 credit hours must be earned in degree status in the College of Engineering and Applied Science in order to apply toward an engineering degree. A maximum of 12 credit hours earned while in unclassified student status may be carried toward an undergraduate degree at the University of Colorado. High school concurrent students may exceed this 12-hour rule for unclassified students.


Non-major students interested in declaring an Engineering minor must meet with their assigned Academic Advisor to review the requirements for the minor. Students are responsible for meeting all of the necessary prerequisites for their desired minor. Engineering students interested in declaring or dropping a minor must contact their Academic Advisor for assistance.

Undergraduate Academic Policies

Administrative Drop

Through the semester census date, individual faculty, program directors, or the dean may initiate the process to drop students who do not have the proper course prerequisites and/or class standing for courses. Students who fail to meet written class attendance policies may be administratively dropped. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that they have successfully met the requirement for a specific course. 

Grade Appeals
Final grades as reported by faculty are to be considered permanent and final. While it is the sole prerogative of the faculty to award grades, it is also a student’s right to appeal a course grade that they feel was awarded in error or unfairly.

In any appeal, it is understood that the burden of proof justifying a change of grade is upon the student. Each step in the appeal process should be completed in a timely manner. The academic year consists of three semesters, summer, fall and spring. A student should initiate a grade appeal no more than one semester after the initial grade was assigned.  For each course, a student may appeal only once.  It is the student’s responsibility to produce all materials that have been returned to the class relevant to the determination of the grade. At all stages of this process, the faculty of record shall be kept informed of the appeal and be provided with copies of all written records. Furthermore, the faculty shall be notified of any proposed grade change.

Step I: The student must first appeal directly to the course instructor. It is expected that most disagreements will be resolved at this level. In extraordinary circumstances (absence or death of the faculty member or in instances involving formal complaints of harassment or discrimination in the award of a grade) this step can be bypassed and the student can move on to Step II.

Step II: If a student cannot resolve the disagreement with the course instructor, then they may appeal to the team lead. In the event that the course instructor is the team lead, the associate dean will act as the team lead.  The team lead has the discretion to handle the issue verbally or to ask the student to put the complaint/issue into writing including why the grade was unfair or in error.  If the team lead asks for the issue in writing, the time limit will be two weeks for the student to do so. If the appeal is found to be justified, a recommendation will be made to the course faculty member to change the grade.

Step III: The student may appeal the team lead’s finding to the dean’s level of the College of Engineering. The dean may consult or refer appeal to the graduate or undergraduate team, whichever is appropriate. At the dean’s level, all appeals must be in writing.  In cases where formal allegations of harassment or discrimination accompany the appeal, the dean will consult the director of affirmative action.  The decision of the dean is final, and the dean has the authority to change the grade. 


An engineering student can request a modification or exception to the academic program requirements or policies that are in place for the College of Engineering.  The process to request a modification or an exception is done via a College of Engineering Petition Form (available from an academic advisor).  The forms must be typed and must be accompanied by documentation to warrant a modification or exception.  Once a petition is received by the appropriate engineering department, the petition is then reviewed by the appropriate college designee.  Once a petition has been reviewed, the student will be notified about the status of the petition. Certain petitions may need to be reviewed by the Dean as well depending on the circumstances of the modification request.

Engineering Intent

Without special approval, Engineering Intent students are not permitted to take Engineering specific courses until they have been admitted to the College of Engineering outside of first year core engineering course. Please speak with your academic advisor for assistance on determining what classes are available to intent students.

Retroactive Withdraw

In the event of significant extenuating circumstances (i.e. medical treatment, family crisis, financial distress) during a semester, a student may petition to retroactively withdrawal from all courses for that semester. EAS’s policy on retroactive withdrawals dictates that the request must be made within three calendar years (9 terms) of the end of the semester in question.

Special Sources of Credit

Advanced Placement
Advanced placement and college credit may be granted on the basis of the College Entrance Examination Board’s Advanced Placement Tests or by special examinations administered by the department involved. For students who have taken an advanced placement course in high school and who make scores of 4 or 5 in the CEEB Advanced Placement Test, advanced placement as well as college credit will be granted (outlined in Advanced Placement Program in the Admissions section of this Catalog).

Project Lead The Way Course Credit
EAS grants college credit for high school students enrolled in Project Lead The Way (PLTW) courses from certified high schools. UCCS is the Colorado Affiliate University for PLTW, a national pre-engineering curriculum serving a pipeline of elementary to high school students.  UCCS transcript credits can be earned for three PLTW courses offered by the EAS College: Principles of Engineering, Introduction to Engineering Design, and Digital Electronics. High school students must currently be enrolled and complete the PLTW course to register for the UCCS credit during the enrollment period (spring semester).  A number of direct course replacements toward a BS degree from UCCS are possible; please visit the PLTW Website, or check with the PLTW office at (719) 255-3498 for the most current listing.

Additional credits may count as general credits toward a degree from the college. For further information contact the PLTW office at (719) 255-3498.

Transfer Credit Acceptance
Students desiring to transfer credits from engineering technology programs should note that such credits are accepted only upon the submission of evidence that the work involved was fully equivalent to that offered in this college.

Some technology courses are given with titles and textbooks identical to those of some engineering courses. These may still not be equivalent to engineering courses because of an emphasis that is nonmathematical or otherwise divergent.

In order to assist engineering technology students with transfer problems, the following guidelines have been established:

  • Courses on basic subjects such as mathematics, physics, literature, or history may be acceptable for direct transfer of credit if they were taught as part of an accredited program for all students and were not specifically designated for technology students.
  • Students who have taken technology courses (courses with technology designations) that may be valid equivalents for engineering courses have these options:
  1. Students may petition the appropriate Department Chair to waive the course. The requirement for a course can be waived if a student demonstrates that by previous coursework, individual study, or work experience he/she has acquired the background and training normally provided by the course. No credit is given toward graduation for a waived course, but a strong student may benefit from the waiver by being able to include more advanced work later in their curriculum. Other students may profit by taking the course at this college instead and thus establishing a fully sound basis for what follows.
  2. Credit for a course may be given if the coursework was done at an accredited institution of higher education. The University of Colorado department involved may recommend that credit be transferred to count toward the requirements for a related course in its curriculum. Credit cannot be given for vocational technical or remedial courses under rules of the University. (See the Admissions section of this Catalog on transfer of college-level credit.)
  3. Students may seek credit for the course by examination. See Advanced Placement and College Level (CLEP) Credit.

Transfer Credit Decisions
After a prospective transfer student has been admitted and submitted transcripts to UCCS, the Office of Admissions issues an initial transfer credit evaluation, listing those courses that are acceptable by University standards for transfer.  The next step is for the student to sign up for New Student Orientation, at which they will receive their official transcript evaluation to see how their courses transferred into UCCS and how they apply to the Engineering degree they are pursuing.  If at any time a student wishes to have a course not previously accepted considered again for transfer, the student should consult with the Engineering Academic Advisor.

UCCS has established articulation agreements with all two-year colleges in Colorado. For students from such a college, the transfer process to UCCS will be easier. It is, therefore, beneficial for students from two-year colleges in Colorado to check with their administration to see what courses will transfer.

Independent Study

Junior and senior undergraduate engineering students desiring to explore engineering topics beyond regular engineering course coverage may take variable credit independent study courses (1-3 hours) under the direction of the faculty member who approves the project. Students are limited to one independent study course to be applied toward their degree plan.

ROTC Credit
Credit from courses completed in the ROTC program will not apply toward fulfillment of the requirements for degrees in Mechanical Engineering or Electrical Engineering. A maximum of 5 credit hours of work from the ROTC program may be applied toward the BS in Computer Science or three (3) hours of work may be applied toward the BS in Computer Engineering.

Work Experience
It is the policy of the College of Engineering and Applied Science at UCCS that any credits accrued in the official records of the student that were awarded for work experience will not apply as part of the total hours required for an engineering degree in the College.

Undergraduate Academic Progress

Satisfactory Progress

To remain in good academic standing, undergraduate students must maintain a cumulative CU grade point average of 2.0 or better in hours taken.

Academic Probation and Suspension Policy

Engineering students who have attempted at least 12 credit hours at the University of Colorado are placed on probation for the next semester in which they are enrolled in the College of Engineering and Applied Science if their cumulative CU Grade Point Average (GPA) falls below a 2.0 or if the EAS academic review board consisting of faculty and staff appointed by the Dean of EAS determines insufficient academic progress is being made by the student. The CU GPA includes all courses taken at a CU campus. If, after that semester, the following semester or cumulative GPA is still below 2.0, or the academic review committee determines the student has made insufficient academic progress, the student will be suspended from the college. 

While on probation, you will not be released to register for the next semester (excluding summer) until your current semester grades have been posted. However, you must still see your faculty advisor to get the “Required Advising” hold released depending on your major. You may continue to take a normal course load while on probation, but you should plan your schedule carefully. We recommend that you take no more than 12-13 hours of classes for the semester(s) following your probation.

Students who have been academically suspended from the College are not eligible to be readmitted to the College.  

Students who are in doubt about their standing with regard to scholastic deficiency are strongly urged to consult with the Engineering Academic Advisor.

Student Rights
The following rights should be afforded to all students prior to academic suspension.

  1. To be informed of policies:  The student has the right to be informed of the Academic Probation and Suspension Policies upon entering the College.  A copy of the policy set forth by the College of Engineering and Applied Science is in the University Catalog, which can be found online.
  2. To be informed of status:  The student has the right to be informed of his/her status regarding academic probation or suspension.  Each student is notified in writing when he/she fails to make academic progress.
  3. To confidentiality:  The student has the right to confidentiality throughout the probationary period.  Probationary status is currently not indicated on official university transcripts.
  4. To an appeal:  In all cases students may appeal their case in writing to the Office of the Dean of the College of Engineering and Applied Science. 

Course Load

Full-Time Students and Overload Approval
Students should register for the regular course load as outlined by their advisor. Students may register for 18 hours or less without approval. Permission to take more than 18 credit hours may be granted only after approval, using an Overload Approval Form, submitted to the Engineering Academic Advisor (for 19-21 hours) or the chair of the appropriate department (for over 21 hours). Students must have a 2.5 or better cumulative CU GPA to apply for an overload. The forms can be obtained from the Academic Advising Center, Main Hall 208.

Employed Students Course Load Guidelines
Course load guidelines for students employed ten or more hours per week are as follows:

Employed 40 or more hrs/wk (max. 9 sem. hrs)    2 courses
Employed 30 to 39 hrs/wk (max. 12 sem. hrs) 3 courses
Employed 20 to 29 hrs/wk (max. 15 sem. hrs) 4 courses
Employed 10 to 19 hrs/wk (max. 18 sem. hrs) 5 courses

The above guidelines result from the experience of those who are both employed and in school. We recommend you visit with your Academic advisor to discuss your degree plan.

Undergraduate Academic Requirements

Common EAS Core

The College of Engineering and Applied Science has implemented a Common EAS Core for entering freshmen students. This is a set of courses in English, science, mathematics, the humanities, and social sciences that count towards the Bachelor of Science degrees offered by the College. For the Bachelor of Innovation degrees, please consult with the Engineering Academic Advisor or visit the BI website at: innovation.uccs.edu/.  The curriculum of the Common EAS Core provides the students with the necessary foundation for pursuing their education career in the College and at the same time allows a change of major within the College to occur during the freshman year with minimum loss of credit or delay in graduation.

The Common EAS Core consists of the following courses:

MATH 1350     4 credits
MATH 1360     4 credits
PES 1110     4 credits
PES 1120     4 credits
ENGL 1310     3 credits
Humanities/Social Science Electives   6 credits
GPS 1010     3 credits

Students Planning to Transfer to Another School for Their Degree
The College of Engineering and Applied Science has developed a series of courses at the freshman and sophomore level that meet the requirements for some engineering disciplines at most accredited universities throughout the country. Our advising will follow these generally accepted guidelines. Since curricula will vary slightly from time to time and place to place, students should check with the college/university to which they plan to transfer to verify their UCCS coursework will transfer in its entirety.

EAS Graduate Programs


The College offers Master of Science degrees in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering (refer to corresponding departments for details). The College also offers Master of Engineering degrees in Software Engineering and Cybersecurity (CS Dept.), as well as Master of Engineering degrees in Engineering Management, Systems Engineering, and Space Operations, which are administered by the EAS College directly.

Also offered is a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Engineering, with optional concentrations in Electrical Engineering and Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science, as well as Doctor of Philosophy in Security are available degrees as well.

Admission Procedures- Master’s Degree

Every prospective graduate student should consult the graduate student advisor in the respective departments at the College of EAS at UCCS prior to submitting an application for admission to the Graduate School. Students wishing to take graduate courses without formally enrolling as graduate students may enroll in the Unclassified/Non-Degree Seeking student category described in the Admissions section of this Catalog.

Guaranteed Early Admissions

Students who are seniors in any of the undergraduate programs in the College of EAS at UCCS may be eligible for guaranteed and simplified admission to the graduate programs. Contact the appropriate graduate degree program director for more details.

Regular Admission

Students having an overall undergraduate GPA of 3.0 or better (on a 4.0 scale) in all college-level academic work attempted are normally admitted to regular degree status.

Provisional Admission

See individual programs for details.

General Requirements-Master’s Degree

Credit hours: A total of 30 credit hours of graduate coursework is required.

Grades: An overall 3.0 grade point average is required in all graduate work.

Thesis or Non-Thesis: The student must select either a Thesis (Plan I) or Non-Thesis (Plan II) option. Plan I requires a thesis worth from 4 to 6 credit hours. Plan II requires a 3 semester hour project. In both cases, an oral presentation and defense is required, which is open to the public and which can include questions over all work presented for the degree.

Time Limit: All work applied to the degree must be accomplished within a six-year time limit.

Advising: Students are advised by the chair of the graduate studies committee during their first semester. A student must choose an advisor by the time 12 credit hours have been completed.

Plan of Study: All courses included to count for this degree must be part of an approved plan of study. This plan must be developed by the student and approved by his/her advisor (appointed by the department) within the first semester after being admitted to the program.


All EAS Programs List



Bachelor of Science


Doctor of Philosophy

Master of Engineering

Computer Science

Go to information for this department.


Bachelor of Arts

Bachelor of Innovation™

Bachelor of Science


Doctor of Philosophy

Master of Engineering

Master of Science


Electrical and Computer Engineering

Go to information for this department.


Bachelor of Innovation™

Bachelor of Science

Bachelor of Science/Master of Sciences or Bachelor of Arts/Master of Sciences


Doctor of Philosophy

Master of Science


Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Go to information for this department.


Bachelor of Science

Doctor of Philosophy

Master of Science

Master of Science—Mechanical Engineering


Other Programs