The BI in Computer Science Security focuses on the study of computer science with information and network security. It encompasses both the study of theoretical analysis and the practical problems of protecting networks, computers, and data.
General Information
The Bachelor of Innovation (BI) degree in Computer Science Security requires the following:
- A minimum of 125 credit hours with a cumulative CU GPA of 2.0. At least 45 of those hours must be upper division (courses numbered 3000 and higher).
- A grade of C or better in CS courses applied to the major.
- A minimum 2.0 GPA must be maintained in all CS course work.
- The last 30 hours of the degree must be completed while registered in the College of Engineering and Applied Science at UCCS.
Additional general education course work is required to complete the Computer Science Security, BI degree. Please see the advising guide on the Academic Advising website for more information and a sample 4-year schedule.
Please see Bachelor of Innovation™ (BI) Degree for further information.