Academic and Instructional Fees
Refunds for course or instructional fees and deposits for students who withdraw from school are made according to the refund schedules found in the Registration Handbook for each semester or term of the academic year. A full refund of course or instructional fees and deposits for courses dropped on or before the census date is made to students who remain enrolled for at least one course.
Colleges and Schools may change the fee schedule at any time without prior notice. For details and a listing of specific fees, please see the Registration Handbook.
The following course, online, program and department fees and deposits are representative of, but not inclusive of, all fees:
Academic Affairs-UTeach
Program Fee-$50. Includes UTED 2010, 3020, 4710, 4720, 4730; UTLS 3030, 3040, and 3480.
Program Fee-$20. Includes ANTH 3170, 3190, 3210. Includes 4200 when cross-listed with either ANTH 3170 or 3190.
Course Fee-$30. ANTH 4320.
Program Fee: Research Methods-$75. Includes ANTH 3500.
Field Program Fee-$120. Includes ANTH 2220.
Course Fee-$10. ANTH 3010.
Course Fee-$50. ANTH 3360 (Pending Regent Approval)
Course Fee-$15. ANTH 4420 (Pending Regent Approval)
All online courses-$100.
Program Fee: $15 per credit hour. Includes all courses with BIOL prefix.
Program Fee-$10 per credit hour. Human Physiology & Nutrition classes (Pending Regent Approval)
Information Systems (INFS) & Quantitative Methods (QUAN) Program Fee-$15 per credit hour.
Business (BUSN) Program Fee-$5 per credit hour
In addition, students enrolled in online courses are assessed a $100 fee per class.
Students enrolled in the PGA Professional Golf Management (PGMT) program will be charged fees commensurate with the program fees associated with PGA requirements.
Sport Management Program Fee-$175 per semester.
Please see the Registration Handbook for the current fees.
Program Fee: all lab courses-$75. Includes CHEM 1102, 1112, 1122, 1201, 1211, 1221, 1333, 1402, 1412, 1513, 2904, 3002, 3102, 3112, 3203, 3213, 4002, 4012, 4102, 4112, 4222, 4232, 4904, 5222, 5232, 5904.
All online courses-$100
Course Fee-$20. COMM 3500.
Program Fee-$30. Includes each course in TV production and/or film making: COMM 2250, 2270, 3100, 3270, 3400, 4170, 4270.
All online courses-$100
Program Fee-$4 per credit hour. Includes ECON 1000, 1010, 1050, 2020.
All online courses-$100
Counseling and Human Services (COUN) Program Fee-$10 per credit hour.
Curriculum and Instruction (CURR) Program Fee-$10 per credit hour.
Leadership (LEAD) Program Fee-$10 per credit hour.
Special Education (SPED) Program Fee-$10 per credit hour.
Inclusive Early Childhood Education (IECE) Program Fee-$10 per credit hour.
Inclusive Elementary Education (IELM) Program Fee-$10 per credit hour.
Teacher Education (TED) Program Fee-$10 per credit hour.
Air Force Cohort Program Fee-$100.
Inclusive Service Charge-$3,000. This charge is for students in ISSO programs.
Candidate for Degree-$601. Includes all courses with catalog number 9990; COUN, CURR, LEAD, SPED.
UCCS Teach Program Fee-$50. Includes UTED 2010, 3020, 4710, 4720, and 4730.
Curriculum Program Fee-$100. CURR 5523.
All online courses: $100.
Engineering and Applied Sciences
Engineering (ENGR) & Computer Science (CS) Program Fee-$15 per credit hour/max $180.
Electrical Engineering (ECE) & Mechanical Engineering (MAE) Program fee-$30 per credit hour/max $360.
All online courses-$100.
Candidate for Degree-$731. Includes all courses with catalog number 9990; CS, ECE, MAE.
Program Fee-$10. ENGL 1300, 1305, 1310, 1410, 1800, 2030, 2040, 2050, 2080, 2090, 3010, 3020, 3040, 3050, 3080, 3120, 3130, 3140, 3160, 3170, 3750, 3850, 3860, 3865, 4080, 4100, 4800, 4820, 4860, 5800, 5860.
Program Fee-$15. Includes ENGL 1305, 1310.
Program Fee-$2. Professional & Technical Writing Program Assessment Fee (Pending Regent Approval)
Portfolio Fee (PORT 3000)-$25
Geology and Geography
Course Fee-$5. GES 1500.
Program Fee Geology Field Trip 1 -$10. Includes GEOL 1010, 3700.
Program Fee Geology Field Trip 2 -$15. Includes GEOL 1020.
Program Fee Geography Lab 1-$10. Includes GES 1050, 3060, 4090, 4270, 5060, 5090, 5270.
Program Fee Geography Lab 2-$15. Includes GES 3200, 4310, 4340, 5310, 5340.
Program Fee Geography Lab 3-$20. Includes GES 2050, 3030, 3050, 4080, 4120, 4130, 5030, 5080, 5120, 5130.
Program Fee Geography Lab 4-$30. Includes GES 3100.
School of Public Affairs
All online courses-$100
Candidate for Degree-$632. Includes all courses with catalog number 9990, and courses; CJ, PAD, SWRK.
Languages and Culture
Program Fee-$10. Includes all 1000-2000-level language courses, and ASL 3590.
Program Fee Foreign & Cultural Studies (travel courses)-$25. Includes FCS 3890, 5890.
Letters, Arts & Sciences Online
All online courses: $100.
Program Fee-$20 per credit hour to total no more than $120 per semester. Excludes 7000-8000-level math courses.
Nursing & Health Sciences
Nursing students taking nursing courses will be assessed a program fee of $14 per credit hour; those in the Health Sciences program will be assessed $2 per credit hour.
Nursing, Health Sciences, and Gerontology online courses-$100
Standardized testing fee for undergraduate nursing students - $94 (Pending Regent Approval)
Program Fee-$20. Includes PHIL 1300.
Physics and Energy Sciences
Laboratory Program Fee Level 1-$30. Includes all ENSC, PES, and PHYS 1-credit hour lab courses: ENSC 1620; PES 1090, 1100, 1140, 1150, 1160, 1170, 1620, 2150, 2160, 4160, 5160.
Laboratory Program Fee Level 2-$50. Includes all ENSC, PES, and PHYS 2-credit hour lab courses. PES 3150, 3170, 3180, 4150, 4170, 5150.
Graduate clinical experience fees: MA students: $72. PhD students: $423 in Fall/Spring, $211 in Summer.
Visual and Performing Arts
All students enrolling in any art history (AH), dance (DNCE), film (FILM), museum studies and gallery practice (MSGP), music (MUS), theatre (THTR), visual arts (VA), or VAPA course will be charged a program fee of $40 per semester enrolled, regardless of how many courses for which a student is registered.
In addition, each subject within the department has its own program fees.
Art History (AH) - Program Fee-$20. Includes all courses except independent study and internships.
Dance (DNCE) - Program Fee-$25. Includes all courses except independent study and internships.
Film (FILM) - Program Fee-$15. Includes all courses except independent study and internships.
Museum Studies and Gallery Practice (MSGP) - Program Fee-$15. Includes all courses except independent study and internships.
Music (MUS) - Program Fee-$45. Includes all courses except independent study and internships.
Theatre (THTR) - Program Fee-$25. Includes all courses except independent study and internships.
Visual Arts (VA) - Program Fee-$40. Includes all courses except independent study and internships.
Visual and Performing Arts (VAPA) - Program Fee-$30. Includes all courses except independent study and internships.
National Student Exchange (NSE)
Program Fee-$150 This fee is required for all students in the NSE program.
International Student Service Charge
This fee is required for all international students.
Sponsored - $300
Unsponsored - $150
Credit by Examination Fee
Special examinations, given for the purpose of obtaining credit for a course solely through the passing of an examination without otherwise registering for and taking the course, are available to degree students in the university. The fee for each examination is the lower division, resident rate for 3 semester hours, regardless of the number of hours of credit that are awarded as a result of the exam. Credit is Pass/Fail ONLY.
Arrangements for special examinations are made through the Office of Admissions and Records. The fees for the examinations are payable in advance and are nonrefundable.
In cases where the examination is administered for other institutions and the results reported to that institution, the same nonrefundable fee will be assessed in advance. The individual student is responsible for payment.